Sunday, March 16, 2008

An Average Day at the Rosa Mystica

I've been here just a little over a week and feel so overwhelmed... Overwhelmed at what work the Lord has called me to, overwhelmed by the great need there is here, overwhelmed by the children and their love,overwhelmed by the beautiful mission and honored to give what little I have to serve with them, and overwhelmed by how small I am.

This passed Thursday we saw off our dear beautiful Mariya as she lives out her Fiat to Him in following His call to med school. It was really difficult, and we still tear up thinking about having given her up to Him. So please offer her and her studies, and MCAT up in your prayers.
Mariya and I had five days together here at Santa Maria del Fiat in Olon before she left. Like I said before I am so utterly overwhelmed ... what a beautiful call to be a small part of it all ... I am indeed humbled and often think "why me? why here?¨ but I don´t need to know I simply have to be faithful to my "Fiat" my "Yes" here.

Right now the kids are gone on holidays so we only have consults with the doctor on one day a week in the afternoon. Otherwise we have consults three days a week in the afternoon when the kids are in school. We get our meds from the Finca (farm)the other part of the mission base. At the Finca there is another clinic open to the public, pharmacy, lab, and dentist (this is where the Doctor works in the mornings). Depending on what the Doctor orders my mornings can be very busy. If I have to draw blood then I must do it early in the morning Monday, Wednesday, or Friday when the lab is open then take it to the Finca (about a 15 minute car ride) in a cooler. There I drop off the blood and then pick up the perscriptions. This at least is my basic understanding of my routine at present but I indeed anticipate it will change.

There is a missionary (conscrated lady) that is a nurse at the Finca, Ruth, as well as a lab technician Marianita who have been so helpful and patient with my Spanish. Ruth has offered to take me with her to visit pueblos when she does vaccinations and public health visits. At the Sanctuario where I work is another missionary Jovonka who is a doctor. Another missionary has a friend who is a dentist who would like to do a rural medical mission and would like me to help. I have also started to work on Botoquins (first aid kits) for all the kids homes here on the mission base with the help of our patient pharmacist, Jorge. I have begun a list of medications at the consultorio as the first step in organizing our little pharmacy on base and keeping better records of what we use and need in the consultory. It also has been a great tool to learn the Ecuadorian medications. Also a new history and physical form for the patient files is greatly in need. Needless to say there is much to do and many needs here... I just need to listen to where He calls me to serve and trust in His grace to bless what little I can do.

Please continue to carry us all in your prayers. May you be abundantly bless as we enter into this Holy Week and follow our Lord on His passion, death, and glorious reserection. May Our Lady guide you and teach you to walk close to her Son. May the Sacred and Immaculate Hearts guide, protect, and intercede for you always.

Love and Prayers,

1 comment:

Mariya said...

Sweet friends, sounds like He is using your big heart of love and nursing skills in beautiful ways. I love you, girl.